Virtual GIS Resources
Our GIS staff continues to support the Clemson community in the use of Geospatial Technologies. Our services are offered both online and in person. Please find below the appropriate link to each one of our services portfolio. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please fill out this form.
GIS Fundamental Workshop Series
Our popular GIS Fundamentals Workshop Series is delivered hybrid every other Friday from 1:30 pm to 4:30 m.
To receive certificate of attendance for each online workshop, attendees must send assignments to the instructor by 1 pm before the next workshop.
Introduction to GIS with ArcGIS Pro (January 17)
GIS Data Creation & Management (January 31)
Working with Tabular Data in GIS (February 14)
Basic Spatial Analysis (February 28)
Intermediate Spatial Analysis (March 14)
Introduction to Spatial Statistics (March 28)
Office hours are conducted by CCGT staff to help with any questions regarding assignments, software, data, etc. Office Hours are offered online and in person at the following times and days:
Mondays, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Wednesdays, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Thursdays, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Online: Contact us for link to join online office hours.
In-person: CCGT staff will be physically available at Cooper 412, Barre Hall 2005, and Barre Hall 2013.

GIS Consultations
We will continue to provide effective guidance to enable our Clemson community to master geospatial technologies. Our consultants can help you with any part of your project. From software installation to data research, project management and web mapping, we can help guide your research from beginning to end. Click here to make a one-on-one virtual appointment.
GIS Consultations policies:
Maximum of one hour a week per person
Must have basic GIS knowledge or have attended workshop 1 (Introduction to GIS) of our GIS Fundamentals Series
Must not be related to GIS class labs. Contact your TA if you have any problems with your class assignment.
Access to ArcGIS Software Remotely
During COVID, Clemson affiliates can get access to ArcGIS software in two ways:
1. Direct Download
Clemson users can download and install ArcGIS Pro in their computer at home following the instructions on this page
2. Virtual Access
Students currently enrolled in GIS courses can access ArcGIS Pro via CUapps. Please contact your GIS instructor to get access.
Free GIS Online Training from ESRI
ESRI offers a wide variety of online trainings for free to the ESRI community. Additionally, Clemson users have access to pre-paid online training available at https://www.esri.com/training/catalog/search/ when they login with their Clemson ArcGIS Online account. Below is a list of other resources available:
Learn ArcGIS – a wonderful collection of short and focused lessons. A relatively new option is the notion of Paths, feel free to browse them.
Esri MOOCs - free online classes offer a convenient, effective, and fun way to keep up with the fast-paced developments in geospatial technology. Classes are four to six weeks long and participants can study whenever they have spare time. A certificate is available upon completion.
Esri Academy – search web courses and explore notion of a “learning plans”.
ArcGIS Documentation – lots of tutorials depending on technology focus. Hiding in there are gems such as these Analytics case studies, many of which have accompanying Story Map, data, and guided workflows, for example.
Esri Community – you can directly ask questions, join discussions, and tap into the shared knowledge of others
Explore ArcGIS Blog and pose questions such as How can local governments respond to COVID-19.
GIS Education Resources
Below is a list of useful GIS Education Resources:
GIS Education Guide - Streamline your search for the best GIS degrees & certificate programs in the USA with GISDegree.org.
GIS&T Body of Knowledge - Great documentation on the domain of geographic information science and its associated technologies (GIS&T)