GIS Day 2024
Please join us in celebrating GIS Day at Clemson University on Wednesday, November 20, 2024! This event is the culmination of the work done by faculty, researchers, and GIS professionals in the past year. To make sure we have enough food, cupcakes, and coffee, please RSVP here: bit.ly/rsvpgis24
This is a great opportunity for the GIS community around Clemson to connect with fellow professionals, inspire others with their fantastic work, and pique the interest of the general public when it comes to GIS and its possible real-world applications.
GIS Day features amazing presentations from faculty and GIS professionals across the region. There will also be food and beverages, contests and prizes, and a sandbox and games for children of all ages, so bring your kids along for the fun!
We are honored to have as our keynote speaker, Derek Arndt, Director of the National Centers for Environmental Information at NOAA. Previously, he served as the Chief of the Climatic Science and Services Division at NOAA, where he played a pivotal role in advancing climate-related services and research.
Derek, known as Deke to many, began his career in 1996 at the Oklahoma Climatological Survey. During his tenure there, he collaborated closely with various sectors, including public safety, agriculture, climate monitoring, and energy generation and transmission. His extensive experience and leadership in climate science are further demonstrated by his service on the Council of the American Meteorological Society, his role as co-lead editor of the AMS's annual State of the Climate report, and his co-chairmanship of the US Global Change Research Program's Interagency Indicators Working Group.

12pm - 1pm GeoTrivia with free sponsored lunch
1:00pm - 1:05pm Welcoming Remarks
Dr. Jill Gemmill, Associate Vice President of Research Computing and Data, and
Elias Tzoc Caniz, Associate Dean for Teaching, Learning and Research, Clemson University Libraries
1:05pm - 1:35pm Keynote:
Past, Present, Future: How Climate Services and Climate Information Draws upon Relationships to Improve Resilience
Derek Arndt, Director, National Centers for Environmental Information, (NCEI), National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
1:40pm - 3:45pm Lightning Talks
Mapping Minds, Shaping the World: 25 Years of GIS Excellence, Mark Lecher, Education Account Manager, Esri
StoryMapping the Common Pot: Making Indigenous Stories Legible, Dr. Chelsea Jeanine Murdock, Director, Writing Lab, Clemson University
GIS within Statewide Resilience Planning, Andrew White, GIS Manager, South Carolina Office of Resilience
GIS for Historical Cemetery Research and Preservation, Dr. Spencer W. Roberts, Research Assistant Professor, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, Clemson University
Navigating the World with GIS: A Journey Through Learning, Teaching, and Real-World Application, Dr. Li-Chih Hsu, Lecturer, Department of History and Geography, Clemson University
GIS: Our Key to Solving Energy Problems and Building Wealth, Morgan Iles & Peter Coles, Director of Operations, Chief Operating Officer, Scout Land Consultants
3:45pm - 4:00pm Prize giveaway!
Event Details
Clemson Center for Geospatial Technologies412 RM Cooper Library
Clemson University
Lightning Talks, Map Gallery, Tours, GeoTrivia, Games, Contests, Food, and Awards!
Open to the public
November 20, 12pm-4:00pm
Contests & Prizes
Story Map Gallery-– submit yours here
Entries are accepted till November 15 (at noon)
GIS Day participants can vote for their favorite until 3:30 pm on November 20
The Map Gallery contest will have eight prizes to give away! Derek Arndt and the NuWaDi research team will select their winners. GIS Day participants will also vote for their favorite story map and automatically be entered into a raffle to win prizes.
The entries with the most votes at the end of the GIS Day events will win 3rd to 6th prizes and voters will have a chance to win either a hammock or a Clemson cap. To win a prize, both submitters and voters have to be present during the award ceremonies that will take place on November 20 at 3:45 pm at 412 Cooper Library. Prizes are shown below.
1st prize

Derek Arndt Award
5th prize

Most popular
2nd prize

NuWaDi Award
6th prize

Most popular
3rd prize

Most popular
1st prize

4th prize

Most popular
2nd prize

November 20, 12 pm - 1:00 pm
Join GeoTrivia from 12 pm to 1 pm! Test your geographic knowledge and compete for the following prize at our GeoTrivia Quiz! Plus, enjoy a sponsored complimentary lunch.
1st prize

Clemson Cap
Where in the World?
November 20, 12 pm - 3:30pm
This year we have compiled an amazing collection of magnificent places around the world that will be on display on the 4th floor of Cooper Library.
Get your friends to join you at the library and work together to determine which special places are showcased! Participants who correctly guess all the locations could win the following prizes (must be present during award ceremony to win):
1st prize

2nd prize

3rd prize

Wireless Speakers
4th prize

Clemson Hoodie
5th prize

Clemson Cap
Lightning Talks Audience Participation
November 20, 1 - 4 pm
To encourage everyone to connect with the presenters and their work, we will give a prize to an audience member who asks the most insightful or thought-provoking question of one of the presenters. Prizes are:
1st prize

Clemson T-shirt
2nd prize

Clemson Campus 3D Coloring Contest
November 20, 1 - 3:45 pm
Show off your artistic skills by painting a 3D printed model of Clemson's campus!
Come by 412 Cooper no later than 1pm on GIS Day to paint your model and enter the contest.
Judges will determine the most artistic, most accurately, and most original painted models to win prizes.
Most Accurate

Clemson T-shirt
Most Artistic

Clemson T-shirt
Most Original

Clemson T-shirt
Clemson GIS Day 2024 Sponsors & Partners

Photos, GIS Day 2023