GIS Day 2023
Please join us in celebrating GIS Day at Clemson University on Wednesday, November 15, 2023! This event is the culmination of the work done by faculty, researchers, and GIS professionals in the past year. To make sure we have enough food, cupcakes, and coffee, please RSVP here: bit.ly/rsvpgis23
This is a great opportunity for the GIS community in the Upstate to connect with fellow professionals, inspire others with their fantastic work, and pique the interest of the general public when it comes to GIS and its possible real-world applications.

Our keynote speaker is Allen Carroll, the visionary behind Esri's story maps team. Through his pioneering efforts, he brought a paradigm shift to the GIS profession, empowering a new generation of storytellers.
Prior to joining Esri in 2010, Allen worked at National Geographic for 27 years in a variety of positions, including Executive Vice President and Chief Cartographer at National Geographic Maps, and Art Director at National Geographic Magazine.

GIS Day features amazing presentations from our keynote speaker and faculty across departments at Clemson and Furman universities. There will also be free lunch, snacks, and beverages, contests and prizes, and a sandbox and games for children of all ages, so bring your kids along for the fun!
12pm - 1pm Mapathon (Mapping for Good) with free sponsored lunch
1:00pm - 1:05pm Welcoming Remarks
Chris Cox, Dean of Libraries, & Jill Gemmill, Associate Vice President of Research Computing and Data
1:00pm - 1:45pm Keynote: Narratives for Change: How Interactive Stories and Maps can be Used
to Inspire Climate Action
Allen Carroll, Program Manager, Storytelling at Esri
1:45pm - 3:45pm Lightning Talks
Intersections of Image Analysis and GIS for Agricultural Management Applications, Kevin Royal, Precision Agriculture Specialist, Clemson University Center for Agricultural Technology
Mapping the Gay Guides: Using Digital History to Explore Historical Travel Guides, Dr. Amanda Regan, Assistant Professor, Department of History and Geography, Clemson University
Visualizing Landcover Change in the Upstate of South Carolina, Dr. Andrew Predmore, Executive Director, The Shi Institute for Sustainable Communities, Furman University
Improving Access to City Parks: Location-Optimization Enabled by GIS, Dr. Emily Tucker, Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Clemson University
Mapping Movies: From Undergraduate GIS Research to Historical Scholarship, Dr. James Burns, Professor of History, Department of History and Geography, Clemson University
Operationalizing and Assessing Accessibility to Opportunities by Foot in Four New Deal Villages, Dr. Enrique Luis Ramos Santiago, Assistant Professor, Nieri Department of Construction, Development, and Planning
Pollution and Prisons: A Nationwide Analysis of Carceral Environmental Inequality, Dr. Pierce Greenberg, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminal Justice, Clemson University
3:45pm - 4:00pm Prize giveaway!
Event Details
Clemson Center for Geospatial Technologies412 RM Cooper Library
Clemson University
Lightning Talks, Map Gallery, Tours, Mapathon, Games, Contests, Food, GeoTrivia and Awards!
Open to the public
November 15, 12pm-4:00pm
Contests & Prizes
Story Map Gallery-– submit yours here
Entries are accepted from October 2 to November 10 (at noon)
GIS Day participants can vote for their favorite on November 15 until 3:30 pm
The Map Gallery contest will have eight prizes to give away! Allen Carroll and the NuWaDi research team will select their winners. GIS Day participants will also vote for their favorite story map and automatically be entered into a raffle to win prizes.
The entries with the most votes at the end of the GIS Day events will win 3rd to 6th prizes and voters will have a chance to win either a hammock or a Clemson cap. To win a prize, both submitters and voters have to be present during the award ceremonies that will take place on Novembert 15 at 4pm at 412 Cooper Library. Prizes are shown below.

Story Map Gallery Collection
1st prize

Allen Carroll Award
5th prize

Most popular
2nd prize

NuWaDi Award
6th prize

Most popular
3rd prize

Most popular
1st prize

4th prize

Most popular
2nd prize

Mapping for Good Mapathon
November 15, 12 pm - 1:00 pm
Join Clemson Mappers for a Mapathon event from 12pm to 1pm which benefits a humanitarian project. Gain new mapping skills using Open Street Map, and get a delicious sponsored lunch on us. No mapping experience is necessary. The most productive mappers will win the following prizes:
1st prize

2nd prize

Clemson T-shirt
3rd prize

Clemson Cap
Where in the World?
November 15, 12 pm - 3:30pm
This year we have compiled an amazing collection of magnificent places around the world that will be on display on the 4th floor of Cooper Library.
Get your friends to join you at the library and work together to determine which special places are showcased! Participants who correctly guess all the locations could win the following prizes (must be present during award ceremony to win):
1st prize

2nd prize

3rd prize

Wireless Speakers
4th prize

Clemson Hoodie
5th prize

Clemson Cap
Lightning Talks Audience Participation
November 15, 1 - 4 pm
To encourage everyone to connect with the presenters and their work, we will give a prize to an audience member who asks the most insightful or thought-provoking question of one of the presenters. Prizes are:
1st prize

Clemson T-shirt
2nd prize

Clemson Campus 3D Coloring Contest
November 15, 1 - 3:45 pm
Show off your artistic skills by painting a 3D printed model of Clemson's campus!
Come by 412 Cooper no later than 1pm on GIS Day to paint your model and enter the contest.
Judges will determine the most artistic, most accurately, and most original painted models to win prizes.
Most Accurate

Clemson T-shirt
Most Artistic

Clemson T-shirt
Most Original

Clemson T-shirt
Clemson GIS Day 2023 Sponsors
