The core of the geospatial research and support at Clemson University takes place in the Clemson Center for Geospatial Technologies facility located in RM Cooper Library. We are here to help and provide high-level GIS support to Clemson's students, faculty, and staff.
One of its critical functions is to create a centralized data repository of key geospatial datasets that will increase the opportunity for research, instruction, and innovation at Clemson.
Free GIS Data on the web
CCGT has gathered a series of website links that offer free GIS data. The data is classified per geographic extent and also by the theme for each extent. This list does not include all of the links that are available online for free data.
Our team is always looking for more links to add to this sheet. So, if you know a website that offers free GIS data, please contact CCGT.
Our team at CCGT has been downloading and collecting some GIS data including:
1. Business Analyst: It includes global data and reports for more than 135 countries. These datasets range from population and households to healthcare spending and crime rates. Access recent demographics about total population, family size, household income, unemployment, and more.
Demographics (Census, ACS)
Business Locations (Hospitals, Pharmacies, etc.)
Consumer Spending (Health, Housing, etc.)
Market Potential
2. Data and Maps for ArcGIS: They provide numerous GIS maps data files, updated US Census Data, updated StreetMap of North America, etc.
3. Crime Risk Indices: CrimeRisk is a block group and higher level geographic database consisting of a series of standardized
indexes for a range of serious crimes against both persons and property. This dataset is only available to Clemson University faculty, staff, and students.
Raw Data: The raw excel data sheets for the crime indices are available on the CCGT network drive.
ArcGIS Online - Crime Risk Data by 2010 Census Block Group, United States, 2010 through 2014: This data layer is polygon coverage of block groups (as defined by the 2010 census) and higher level geographic database containing standardized, relative crime indices on a range of personal and property crimes.
4. Distressed Communities Index (DCI): The Distressed Communities Index (DCI) brings attention to the deep disparities in economic well-being that separate U.S. communities. The latest Census data is used to sort zip codes, counties, and congressional districts into five quintiles of well-being: prosperous, comfortable, mid-tier, at risk, and distressed. The index allows us to explore disparities within and across cities and states, as well. Time period: 2017-2021. Source
CCGT network drive(\\group.clemson.edu\group\Apps) is our main repository for geospatial data and metadata at our Center. This data is only available to current affiliates of Clemson University.
Use the following instructions to connect to our data repository:
GIS Datasets at CCGT
Data Purchase Intiative
Through the partnership between CCIT and the Libraries, CCGT strives to make all the data services and resources available for the teaching and research purposes at Clemson. Libraries with CCGT are looking at purchasing the following datasets
1. Energy Data
2. Street Map Premium for other countries beyond US
3. Planet Labs
If you want any other datasets that you think will be needed for your research, please contact CCGT.