ArcGIS Online (Academic use)
ArcGIS Online is a cloud-based mapping platform that allows users to share their GIS data and maps on the cloud. With ArcGIS Online you can accomplish most of the tasks you can in a traditional GIS desktop and all you need is a browser!
Students, faculty, and staff at Clemson University can create their own ArcGIS Online account for academic purposes (instruction and research) by following the instructions below. For operational and administrative purposes, review our guidelines here.
Create your ArcGIS Online account using Clemson login
Please follow the steps below to create an account:
1) Go to arcgis.com and click Sign in. You will see the window on the right, click on "Your ArcGIS organization's URL"
2) You will be asked to enter Your ArcGIS organization's URL. In the box that appears, type Clemson and click Continue. Click on "Clemson University".
3) This will take you to a new window where you will be using your standard Clemson login. Enter your Clemson username and password and click on Login.
4) If you see the window below that means you have successfully created your ArcGIS Online account.

Our Clemson users share the total amount of credits that are allocated to our University account. Each new user has a 3,000 credit limit. We ask new users to become familiar with credit usage here and be cautious about running large spatial analysis or reports on ArcGIS Online. Remember that any GIS analysis or GeoEnrichment activity that you do in ArcGIS Online can be done in ArcGIS Pro without consuming any credits!
CCGT has set up some defaults to new user accounts that limit the number of credits and functionality so that we can ensure the fair distribution of credits amongst all of our users. Below is a list of capabilities Clemson user accounts have:
If your user account needs more resources than our default user, we can set up an exception for you and your group. Please contact us and make sure to specify your needs. One of our GIS Specialists will get back to you as soon as possible. To qualify for this exception, it is imperative you understand ArcGIS Online best practices and credit usage.
With your Clemson ArcGIS Online account, you can access the following ArcGIS applications:
If you need access to any additional ArcGIS application not listed here, please contact us.
View organization members
Create, update, and delete groups
Join organization groups
Join external groups
View groups shared with organization
Add members from other organizations
Create, update, and delete content
Publish hosted feature layers
Publish hosted tile layers
Publish hosted scene layers
Publish hosted tiled imagery layers
Publish hosted dynamic imagery layers
View content shared with organization
View location tracks
Reassign content
Receive content
Share content with groups
Share content with organization
Share content with public
Make groups visible to organization
Make groups visible to public
Network Analysis
Spatial Analysis
Feature report
Edit features
Advanced notebooks
Create and edit notebooks
Schedule notebooks
Essential Apps
Map Viewer
ArcGIS StoryMaps
ArcGIS Dashboards
ArcGIS Experience Builder
ArcGIS Hub Basic
Scene Viewer
ArcGIS Instant Apps
ArcGIS AppStudio
ArcGIS Web AppBuilder
Classic Story Maps
ArcGIS Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud
Configurable Apps
Organization Website
Field Apps
ArcGIS Survey123
ArcGIS Field Maps
ArcGIS QuickCapture
ArcGIS Workforce
Office Apps
ArcGIS for Excel
ArcGIS for Power BI
- ArcGIS for SharePoint
ArcGIS for Teams
ArcGIS Connectors for Power Automate
Other Apps
ArcGIS Urban
ArcGIS GeoPlanner
ArcGIS Image Analysis
ArcGIS Image Hosting
ArcGIS Business Analyst Web and Mobile Apps Advanced
ArcGIS Community Analyst
ArcGIS Insights
ArcGIS Data Pipelines
ArcGIS Field Maps Designer
ArcGIS QuickCapture Web Designer
ArcGIS Flight
ArcGIS Notebooks
ArcGIS Web Editor
ArcGIS Runtime Advanced
Esri Redistricting
ArcGIS Location Sharing
Esri Training
All ArcGIS Online accounts at Clemson are automatically given access to Esri's educational resources via Esri Academy. These are self-training courses that you can follow at your own pace from the comfort of your home. To access these resources, you will need to:
1. Log into ArcGIS Online.
2. On the top right corner, click on your name. In the drop-down menu that appears, select My Esri.
3. At My Esri, again, on the top right corner, clock on your profile icon. In the drop-down menu, select Training.

ArcGIS Online Administrative Account
Staff at Clemson using GIS for running operations (facilities, parking, planning, transportation, PSA, etc) or administrative use have a dedicated ArcGIS Online organizational account independent of the academic account. Here are some examples of activities that fall within this administrative account:
To create your ArcGIS Online account for administrative purposes, contact us here.
Facilities management
Routing analysis
Fund-raising, student recruitment
Emergency management
Field operations
Asset management
Demographic analysis
Crime analysis, campus safety
Long range development planning